วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

1. Itza's ancient city of the Maya in Yucatan, Mexico

Wonders of the modern world

               Seven wonders of the modern world or the original seven wonders of the modern world. Prepared by the enterprise switch The New Open World Corporation (NOWC) The final results were announced on 7 July 2550 in Lisbon. Portugal

1. Itza's ancient city of the Maya in Yucatan, Mexico.
Qi Itza is located on the Yucatan Peninsula. Mexico The city is the cultural center of the Maya. The temple dedicated to the goddess Glory of the Maya built on an area of ​​over 6.4 kilometers Hallmark Channel. The pyramids are the top tiers. And a ladder in the middle Atop the altar for ritual sacrifice unto God the Maya had a reputation as a savage tribe of Mayan human sacrifice. But as with the growth of language and knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. The creation of the Mayan calendar by the first year, 18 months, and each month has 20 days, so the first year of the Mayas has 360 days and has added that regardless of any month for another five days, though. have knowledge of only this but they did not discover the wheel, but somehow artificial.

2. statue of Jesus Christ or Christ's good at Mercury atop a hill in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2. statue of Jesus Christ or Christ's good at Mercury atop a hill in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Statue of Jesus Christ Located on a hilltop Coca watching (Cocarvado) Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janero) Brazil has a height of approximately 38 meters in the year. Fri. Designed in 1921 by Hi Torre da Silva Marcos eye (Heitor da Silva Costa) Brazilian and created by Paul Alan Rudolf skiing (Paul Landowski), a French sculptor of Polish descent. It takes five years to build the official opening ceremony on October 12, 1926, where visitors can go up to the base of the statue to.

3. Wall (Shoot the second from the left

3. Wall (Shoot the second from the left).
Great Wall of China or wall ADULTS. Built in the reign of King of Qin Shi Huang. To prevent the invasion of the Mongols and the Turks and had to build a wall to another four times by large majority were built in the Ming Dynasty. Rub the nomadic tribes from Mongolia and Manchuria raids across the Great Wall of China was successful. The Great Wall is a wall that separates the border between China and Tibet. The height from the ground 20-30 feet wide and 15-20 feet long and about 2,400 kilometers of earth, stone and brick walls every 200 meter tower will have to be examined. And a bell hanging on every pack of not less than 20,000 towers under construction in the deaths of tens of thousands of people and the bodies of the deceased had been drawing in the wall itself. The Great Wall is the only human construction visible from the moon. The Great Wall of China, the rest are all built in the Ming Dynasty. Great Wall of China were the wonders of the medieval world .

4. The ancient city of Machu Picchu. The tribes of the Incas in Peru

4. The ancient city of Machu Picchu. The tribes of the Incas in Peru.

Machu Picchu or Angkor pin disappearance of Inca (The Lost City of the Incas) is an ancient city located on a mountain in Peru. High from sea level to 2,350 meters, Machu Picchu pin created by the Inca empire. And abandoned when the Incas defeated the Spaniards. Until being discovered by American explorer named San Ramon Bingham (Hiram Bingham) in the year.. 1911.

5. The ancient city of Petra in Jordan

5. The ancient city of Petra in Jordan.
Petra, the city carved into the canyon near the Dead Sea (Dead sea) and Aktau Ba Bay (Gulf of Aqaba) city of Petra was built by the Ba Na Tian (Nabataeans), a desert nomad Arabs. This is a sandstone cliff dwellings for residents. The shepherds came and changed career as a merchant. Protection and caravan Petra made a commercial center with a large Greek merchant explains the wealth of Petra as the most important market of the Arabs. Petra boom reached its peak in 50 BC. Until BCE to 70 during this time Petra was ruled by a king named Titus Arena at 4 (Aretas IV) The Greeks regarded Philomena de Mos (Philodemos), which means that the public loves. Petra started to lose power when trade routes convenient and safer place. Until the year. Fri. 106 Petra is appended to the Roman Empire. Until the fifth century AD, Petra became the site of the county's Bishop. And the Muslim conquest in the 7th century Tang and gradually deteriorate until it disappeared from history. Until being discovered by Switzerland Swiss explorer Johann Berg Victor Luke Hart (Johann Ludwig Burckhardt) in the year.. 1812, Petra was reemerging on the world again.

6. stadium Colosseum in Rome, Italy

6. stadium Colosseum in Rome, Italy.
Colosseum is a huge outdoor stadium in Rome. Built during the reign of Emperor Vespa Chien (Emperor Vespasian) of Byzantine and built during the reign of Emperor Titus (Titus) in Christianity in the 1st century Colosseum is an amphitheater circle. The sandstone and brick monastery by about 527 meters high, 57 meters and a capacity of around 80,000 people, with room for imprisoned slaves, prisoners and wild animals such as lions, tigers will allow slavery to themselves until the rest of the survivors, only to receive. Immunity or a prisoner against a hungry lion was caught because fasting. Each year, prisoners and slaves more than 100 people dead Colosseum were wonders of the medieval world.

7. Taj Mahal in Agra, India

7. Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah J. Han (Emperor Shah Jahan) emits a monument of love to his wife over the Taj Mahal (Mumtaz Mahal), Taj Mahal, built during the build. AD 1630-1648 at Garden River Jumna touch the mother led by Agra Industries Gstaad coughing (Ustad lsa) built of white marble from Na Ma pitches. Red marble from Farmington City Bura. Yellow marble from the river student Pat name. Cat's-eye from Baghdad, coral and pearl of the Indian Ocean. Blue stone cut from the island are Ka. Diamonds from the Florida driving criteria. Taj Mahal has been certified by the architect of global proportions that has already been created. And the most spectacular 100 meters wide on each side, the center has a dome 60 meters high tower with a round dome on the four corners of the dome in a marble sarcophagus decorated with many precious stones contained. But really coffins the bodies in tunnels beneath the old sarcophagus Shah. Jay Hunt was minded to build a tomb for himself on the other side of the river Jumna. By building like the Taj Mahal, but built with black marble. But his son was arrested and imprisoned him in seven years, died. And the body of the blessed Lord Laming is buried alongside his wife, sweetheart, that the Saudi Gstaad coughing was the architect who designed the Shah. J. Han executed because it does not require any architectural design beautiful than the Taj Mahal has.

1. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy (The Leaning Tower of Pisa

1. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy (The Leaning Tower of Pisa).

 Leaning Tower of Pisa Year Located in the city of Pisa, Italy, a cylindrical tower 181 feet high, eight-storey building with marble began to build on. Fri. But construction to a halt in 1174 when the construction of approximately 4-5 floor because the ground under the building began to collapse from the foundation of the building is not stable enough. However, later with additional construction completed successfully last year. Fri. 1350, which is changing some of the structure from the original plan to cope with the tilt of the tower. Overall construction period of 176 years, but the tower still leans to 14 feet from the perpendicular is now closed to tourists up to the top. Because the tower is leaning down. The engineers were looking for a way to stop the energy conservation and have missed it for future generations to visit again soon. For the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the interior has marble carved by craftsmen famous painter of the period was carved into beautiful at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, this is where Galileo to perform scientific experiments on gravity. Earth

2. stadium Colosseum in Rome, Italy (The colosseum of Rome

2. stadium Colosseum in Rome, Italy (The colosseum of Rome).
                Stadium of Rome A large outdoor stadium that was built during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Hsien Vespa. And built during the reign of the Emperor Titus (Titus) in the first century AD, or about 80 stands in a circle of brick and sandstone temple about 527 meters by around 57 meters high, a capacity audience. About 50,000 people south grandstand was built to imprison a basement, lion and executed prisoners. Before leaving the court battles. It is also used as a place to compete in the era of the knights. The current structure remains almost completely dominated ruins that attract tourists worldwide.

3. Great Wall of China (The Great Wall of China

3. Great Wall of China (The Great Wall of China).
Great Wall of China, built around the year 332-339 by Qin Shi Huang. A brick wall, the longest in the world. Which is about 2400 kilometers to prevent the invasion of the Tatars. Walls built of stone and brick surrounding soil. A fortress built about 15,000 of the base is about 20 feet wide corridor about 12 feet high and about 25 feet with a bell alarm about 20,000 Tower spent more than 10 years, by the labor of millions of people have died. During the creation of about ten thousand people. Which is very reasonable. The Great Wall of China, has been restored in the damaged section. This makes the Great Wall of China as a tourist destination intact.

4. Stonehenge stones strange city, Sullivan's Berry England (Stonehenge)

4. Stonehenge stones strange city, Sullivan's Berry England (Stonehenge).
Cairn eerie Stonehenge. Between the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age. Located in Salisbury plains region. The northern city of Salisbury lottery. In Devonshire County, 10 miles away from London, England, there is no evidence that one is placed. And placed for any purpose. Some scientists speculated that made for religious rituals of that era. Cairn eerie Stonehenge consisted of tall stones before placing a large number of 112 is arranged in a circle three circles overlap. Some sleep before falling Before putting some overlap on top. Outside the stone circle with a diameter of up to 100 feet weigh a ton. Plain Marsalis Sudbury is no mountains and open fields, there were no rocks in the vicinity. However, in 2507 Gerald S. House Boykin American astronomers have assumed. A place for predicting the position of the sun and moon relative to the seasons on Earth. Is a calendar that made it rough.

5. Tomb of Alexander Gallery (values ​​fixture A) small town of Alexandria. Egypt (The Catacombs of Alexandria)

5. Tomb of Alexander Gallery (values ​​fixture A) small town of Alexandria. Egypt (The Catacombs of Alexandria).
Tomb of Alexander Airdrie. Called Catalan Bay Wycombe is located in Alexandria, Alexandria. Egypt The cemetery is the burial ground of the ancient Egyptian king. There was no evidence as to who is the creator. Who is the tomb of And build on any Unlike the appearance of the cemetery Pyramid is building an underground tunnel dug deep into a mountain sandstone layers and aisle width of about 3-4 feet meander to a distance of several miles inside the tunnel, some decorated. beautiful The tomb is packed wall to drill a tunnel deep. The altar is placed with a small lantern hanging in front of respect. The tomb of Alexander Andrea has become a tourist attraction that has remained intact Suzuki.

6. St. Sophia Mosque The city of Constantinople Adrianople

6. St. Sophia Mosque The city of Constantinople Adrianople, Turkey (The Mosgue of Hagia Sophia).
Hagia Sophia Architecture is a blend of action, Greek and Persian. Or the architecture of the Byzantine (Byzantine) Hagia Sophia was featured on the temple dome. The multi-colored glass decorated window above the door. And pole carved by the Byzantines to 108 from inside the temple. Hagia Sophia, built around centuries. 13 by Emperor Constantine, the Roman East. Spent about 17 years old as the Church of Christ in Constantinople at Constantinople, Turkey, but ethnic Turks were destroyed. Later, in the reign of Emperor Justinian. Was rebuilt magnificently decorated with valuable information. It takes a long time to build up to about 20 years, but the earthquake rupture, causing damage. Which has been restored in its original state until a later time. But after the reign of the Emperor Justinian. Lord Ahmed Mohammed Islam, the second of which he took over Turkey. The church was converted into a mosque with one another architectural beauty.

7. Chedi Building Nanjing, China (The Porcelain Tower of Nanking

7. Chedi Building Nanjing, China (The Porcelain Tower of Nanking).

Porcelain Tower of Nanjing Located in Nanjing, which is north of China. Built during the Ming Dynasty. Around the 15th century, the pagoda looks like a tall figure eight movement cedar. Green glazed tile roofs. Bell hung up by around 80 balls decorated with glazed brick pagoda. Top tip of the tower is a circular shape up to each other and coated with gold. Originally a three-story pagoda, but later during the reign of Emperor busy Shield of artistic Meng around the year 1973, please give rise to a nine-storey building with a chain link down from the roof edge of a straight line. The pagoda bell hung eight lines by the chain included 72 children present pagoda is in very poor condition. The incident took tai Eผe the rebels had burned the year 2392.

1. Egyptian pyramids (The Pyramids of Egypt

1. Egyptian pyramids (The Pyramids of Egypt).

   Egyptian pyramids are ancient wonders was the only thing that remains almost completely unlike in the past, is located on the west bank of the Nile in the city of San Giuseppe (Giza) north of Cairo. Egypt's capital The three large swathes of the pyramid is a pyramid containing the body of Pharaoh kiosk Gippsland (Cheops) Keith French (Chephren) and not limited Muskoka River (Mycerimus) Pyramid kiosk Gippsland's largest pyramid. Built around 3500 BC, the original height of 481 feet, but now reduced to 450 feet of the base of the pyramid covers an area of ​​about 32.5 hectares (13 acres) was built using sandstone, cut into bars, squares, cubes, each about 2.5 tons to 30. Over 2.3 million tons of the stone cubes labor and slave labor in the construction of about 100 000 people and took 20 years for the victims Keynes pyramid or pyramid-shaped Sphinx, which is half lion. The face was a lion crouching guard position in front of the pyramid about 66 feet high Gippsland kiosk.

2. Lighthouse of Alexandria, Alexandria (The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria

2. Lighthouse of Alexandria, Alexandria (The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria).
    Lighthouse of Alexandria, Alexandria. Located on the shores of the Mediterranean island, Rose Pharmacy. The small city of Alexandria. Egypt Built around 270 BC. In the reign of King Ptolemy at 2 (Ptolemy II) by the Greek architect tea chains Stephanie Santos (Sostratos) high lighthouse was built around 200-600 feet very intricately carved marble. There is a spiral staircase up to the top of the lighthouse. Which has a large lamp shines clearly in the night. Make small picturesque port city of Alexandria is great. But in the 13th century Lighthouse had broken down because of an earthquake.

3. Hanging Gardens of Babylon (The Hanging Garden of Babylon

3. Hanging Gardens of Babylon (The Hanging Garden of Babylon).

      The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, located on the banks of the River Euphrates. On the land of Iraq today. Hanging Gardens of Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar built marvelous Ness Royalists 2 (Nebuchadnezzar II) of the capital of Babylonia His intention to create a park to rest unto his wife when around 600 BC. Floating gardens built on the ground floor, semi-desert, this is a descending to an altitude of about 75 feet on the 400-square-foot terrace on each floor are decorated by planting flowering shrubs and perennials in. The hoists irrigation water from the Euphrates River up to the top floor. So leave it to flow down to the floor. Create moisture to the trees throughout the year. Each wall of beautiful stained glass windows. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, erosion lost.

4. cemetery mausoleum of Mustafa Halim Canas Sasso (The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

4. cemetery mausoleum of Mustafa Halim Canas Sasso (The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus).
 Musso Gilliam Cemetery It was created by a special State. The queen Musso Group's (Mausolus) of Caria to the burial of the king Musso group after he died around 353 BC. Located in Halifax Canas Texas or city Azaria. In Iran today The cemetery is approximately 135 feet long, 460-foot marble base surrounding plain. The roof top is a square base with an engraved image of God stamped Musso group's chariot horse gracefully. But later, around Century 12-13 in an earthquake. Make tomb collapses Currently, it only remains some ruins at the British Museum collection preserved for future generations to study.

5. Monument, Colo Missouri of Rhodes (The Colossus of Rhodes

5. Monument, Colo Missouri of Rhodes (The Colossus of Rhodes).

                Monument, Colo Missouri or the god Apollo (Apollo) is a handsome idol with gold and bronze in the standing position. Based in Rhodes, Greece, about 120 feet high built around. 300 BC By King Carles of Lin's fierce (chares of Lindus) spent in the construction of about 12 years, but collapsed after construction was about 60 years since the earthquake last year 224 BC. Natural and not restored for about 900 years until around the 10th century inhabitants of Saracens have made a purchase of scrap bronze monument. To cast the war until the end. Idol large standing astride the harbor to ships passing through the area. Not even the fragments of the greatness of.

6. Temple of Diana (Artemis) was a city of Sousse (The Temple of Diana (Artemis) at Epesus

6. Temple of Diana (Artemis) was a city of Sousse (The Temple of Diana (Artemis) at Epesus).

    Temple of Diana, located in the City of Philadelphia Sioux Greece with marble built around 550 BC. The 160 feet long, 342 feet wide temple with marble columns wide by eight of the top 20 long by 60 feet high from the pole each 6 feet in diameter, made of wood, roof tile, marble. Temple covers an area the size of 54,720 square feet is very beautiful temple. Believed to be built to honor the goddess Artemis, who came down from paradise to the city from disaster and devastation all. Temple of Diana has been restored on 186 years since the fire. But the rest of the skeleton is still beauty to be studied further.

7. monument god Zeus (Jupiter) in Olympia (The Statue of Zeus (Jupeter) at Olympia

7. monument god Zeus (Jupiter) in Olympia (The Statue of Zeus (Jupeter) at Olympia).

      Statue of the god Zeus or Jupiter of Olympia, Greece, built by reconstruction that feeds much of the Assumption in good time between AD 53-111 monumental carved ivory figure god Zeus sitting bench. approximately 40 feet high priest raises the mansion holds a replica of the Goddess of Victory (A Small Figure of Victory) raises the mansion left holding the scepter. Clothes and jewelry made of pure gold. The ancient Greeks revered as a sacred idol one. But lost out due to the earthquake collapsed. There is evidence, leaving only the paintings and ancient coins only.